Monday, December 21, 2009

SEO keywords in Domain Name

Even prior to SEO Marketing or Keywords research, first job is to have a domain. While choosing your domain there can be some important factors which can have some advantage in long term Search Engine Optimization Strategy.

There is not any 100% evidence or conclusion when people say keyword in domain name has no importance or vice versa. But of course it has advantage and can be rewarding if you utilize other SEO Factors with this. So it has to be confessed that search engines give little weightage for keywords in URL, in spite of facts that some SEO Guru deny this.

Still this is not the way for your full SEO Campaign, as you might be taking care of only single keywords for promotions whereas nowadays strategy has to be for getting high rankings for large number of searches. And also due to high progressed and advancement in this field, it has become less important factor independently. So we can not forget that SEO include lots of other factors and each can have their own role and benefit in process.

If we put “wedding favors” in Google, we see some website with “wedding” or “favor” ranked on first page or the same having in internal page URL and also some without these words. But if we deny other advantages of this factor we see Google show those website highlighted or bold when any of these words appear in their URL. So it will increase click through rate and visibility for website as compared to other, which is one benefit. But again as per our experience we have seen some privilege given to the domains having search terms, so will advise to go for that.

If we don’t take this factor (Keyword in Domain) as one of our primary criteria sill we can have important things to remember prior to selection of Domain Name:

Short and generic domain name are easy to remember
Try to pick the name which can be easily communicated
Avoid domain name with hyphens, it look more relevant to have as compared to
Domains reflecting brand name are also good


  1. having a keyword in your domain is good..helps the site to get a high possibility ranking in the keyword use..
    search engine placement

  2. Having keywords as part of the domain is always great. But that alone won't give you the results you are looking for.
